
Боль, страдание, рисование
Ну, я опять увлекся. Но понял, что должно было быть с ногой в моих недавних потугах XD
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@темы: тварьчество

Боль, страдание, рисование

Lyon and Naren in FFXIV again! We play in Ultros btw (*

@темы: my art, Final Fantasy XIV, lyon, FFXIV, miqo'te, naren, ff14, FFXIV A Realm Reborn, hyur, rykari

Боль, страдание, рисование

Hello! I wanted to say that i’ll be opening commissions next friday

@темы: commissions

Боль, страдание, рисование

Guess what we are playing now hahah Naren is surrounded by beautiful kittens

@темы: Lyon, Final Fantasy XIV, ffxiv, ff14, FFXIV A Realm Reborn, ffxiv arr, Naren, what is the main tag for this game ugh

Боль, страдание, рисование


This game looks amazing. Just had to share. Maybe we’ll see it ported to NA in about 10 bajillion years.

Source: Steparu

@темы: *wipes off sweat*, THIS IS SO GOOD, WOW I WANT


Боль, страдание, рисование
Ну знаете, что здесь, да?

@темы: тварьчество


Боль, страдание, рисование

Боль, страдание, рисование
Порисовал, блеать, позы. Горшочек, хватит, не вари...
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@темы: тварьчество


Боль, страдание, рисование
К 6-му слою мне таки удалось получить что-то более-менее верибельное XD Но это потому, что я был зол после всей этой возни с дровами :fire:
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@темы: тварьчество


Боль, страдание, рисование
Блять, почему, если я втыкаю планшет в другой юсбишник, то он становится совершенно незнакомым устройством? Не успеваю и глазом моргнуть, как Винда уже накатывает гребанные мелкософтовские дрова...
Блять, Мелкософт, ну почемууууууу?!!

@темы: ламерство, бреддд

Боль, страдание, рисование

younger Enzo and Cass

More OCs! Thanks a lot for your messages ;; so happy you are interested in my characters ;;; honestly most of my characters are normal people and i’m very bad at writing descriptions so i hope i don’t bore you to death

These are Julien, Enzo and Cassandra, and their natural habitat is on planes!

Julien is 33 and works as a flight attendant, he was raised by his single mother, still lives with her and supports her financially. He treasures his job so he is overly serious and hardworking. He is a selfless gullible introvert and a coward. He is skinny, not athletic at all and spends his free time reading. He loves space related science stuff.

Enzo is 29 and he is the CEO of his own publicity company. He started his bussiness as a teenager working with internet ads. He is arrogant, careless, impulsive and opportunistic, also a tease. He likes to take risks and is good at calculating possible outcomes. He is a very talented boss and a very annoying one too. He tends to be kind of rude and his goal in life is to enjoy it as much as possible.

Cassandra is Enzo’s younger sister and they are very close. They also share the talent for bussiness. While Enzo is the leader type she prefers to stay in the shadows. She is calculative and is willing to do anything to get what she wants even if it’s not entirely legal hahah she acts mature, is patient and has an air of superiority.

The siblings travel very often so they meet with Julien a lot (Enzo makes sure they do haha) and they become friends. Enzo is determined to seduce Julien and always plans crazy holidays for the 3 of them and Julien gets dragged around a lot (*

@темы: original, my art, how do i tag these things, my OCs, the plane people lmao


Боль, страдание, рисование

Боль, страдание, рисование
Сегодня я снизошел до более менее адекватных контуров -__- Но лицо лучше б нарисовал как обычно маской XD
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@темы: тварьчество


Боль, страдание, рисование
Продолжаем марафон и укладываемся в обеденный перерыв, а то ж начало месяца...


@темы: тварьчество

Боль, страдание, рисование

aahhh well some time ago i mentioned i loved koe no katachi and someone asked if i could draw something about it but i can’t find the ask now but this is for you whoever you are ;; , my inbox is a disaster and i’ll reply to everyone soon OTL i’m sorry

have an awful doodle of these two kissing because it just needs to happen asap

@темы: my art, Ishida Shouya, koe no katachi, Shoko Nishimiya

Боль, страдание, рисование

Demon Lyon! Very late for halloween? (

@темы: my art, lyon, demon, rykari, incubus

Боль, страдание, рисование

I urbance’d myself! kinda \o/ hahah I love their style and i hope this project makes it ;;

Please check it out and donate HERE only 62 hours left on the kickstarter!

@темы: my art, urbance

Боль, страдание, рисование


3 DAYS LEFT!! Write, pledge, share and spread the word about #URBANCE and help us #kickstart the series! #LastPush http://thndr.it/1BWtXkL

@темы: kickstarter, signal boost, urbance, i want this to happen

Боль, страдание, рисование
“Why are we talking to each other in English?”

- Two non English speakers who share the same first language while chatting on the net, probably (via ignitiondorks)

@темы: and we are sitting right next to each other, but instead of talking we type, RAS AND I, lmao, in english


Боль, страдание, рисование
Черт возьми, как сделать репост с тумблера? ><
Ыааа <3

@темы: бреддд